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How technology changes Architecture.

Is new science not evoking a new architecture? Architecture earlier was based on practical experience. Gradually, more and more has come to be grounded on science: strength of materials, development of new and improved building materials, structural analysis and design, heat and moisture transfer, acoustics, natural and artificial illumination, energy conservation, fight against corrosion, fire, smoke, wind, floods, environmental protection, information and telecommunication technology, mathematical methods and application of computers, management and social sciences.


These affect the architectural appearance of buildings, although not all changes in architecture can be explained by technical progress. This will not be restricted to perceptible changes; the hidden influences, which affect the design and characteristics of buildings without their visible modification will also be examined.


The central science of mechanics of building materials itself has undergone basic progress. The collective knowledge about elastic and plastic state, stress and strain, micro-cracking and fracturing, stability, buckling, ductility, probability influences, risk, ultimate states and others has resulted in the complex science of present-day mechanics of materials. Parallel to the progress in materials sciences, the technology of construction and manufacturing of building materials have also evolved tremendously.


Architectural design at all times has had to reckon with the available technology: materials and processes. These, however, have never completely defined the work of designers. The ideas and objectives of society, of the clients and of the architects, have also always exercised a significant impact on the product of design.


The different architectural styles developed as a sum of technical development and ideas of architects. The ambition of architects together with developing requirements of clients had a repercussion on technological development.


As a consequence, architectural trends can be explained not merely by changes in technology but also by changes in architectural ideas and requirements of clients. 


Technological progress has always had its impact on architecture. However, so massive has been the progress of science over the recent past and so continuous the changes in architectural design.