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this is an arrangement of bricks in a wall, column or pier laid to a set pattern to maintain an adequate lap.

Purposes of Brick Bonding

  • Obtain maximum strength whilst distributing the loads to be carried throughout the wall, column or pier.
  • Ensure lateral stability and resistance to side thrusts.
  • Create an acceptable appearance.

types of bonding

English Bond  formed by laying alternate courses of stretchers and headers it is one of the strongest bonds but it will require more facing bricks than other bonds (89 facing bricks per m2) 

Flemish Bond  formed by laying headers and stretchers alternately in each course. Not as strong as English bond but is considered to be aesthetically superior uses less facing bricks. (79 facing bricks per m2)

Stack Bonding the quickest, easiest and most economical bond to lay, as there is no need to cut bricks or to provide special sizes. Visually the wall appears unbonded as continuity of vertical joints is structurally unsound, unless wire bed-joint reinforcement is placed in every horizontal course, or alternate courses where loading is moderate. In cavity walls, wall ties should be closer than normal at 600 mm max. spacing horizontally and 225 mm max. spacing vertically and staggered.
Running bond Bricks are butted end to end with joints that fall in the middle of the brick on the next row. One of the sturdiest and easiest patterns to install, running bond only requires minimal cutting at each end and will easily follow a gentle curve.


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