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Perceiving Architectural space

   “Inside, Thing” a research by Stefano Passeri, and it is investigation on innovation in housing. The research won school’s Gehry Prize. Inside and Outside of every project are inseparable, but actually they are different worlds. The segregation is very precise – everything is clear and transparent on the outside, but inside, however, the same rules don’t apply – inside is blurred, suggestive, confusing and illogical – therefore it risks to be avoided for these reasons. If Inside were Outside, or even if Inside were Outside-ish, it would be much easier – there would be no contradiction at all. In fact, Inside is Inside and despite being Inside the Outside it is quite remarkably other, states Passeri in his project description.

   In case we are too accustomed to seeing the Inside from the Outside, in a way that makes the Outside more important and the Inside just a pretty strange thing, the question is what if we flipped the problem and looked at the Outside from the Inside? What if Inside was the Thing and Outside was the weirdo? In this case, Passeri is saying – looking from inside-out rather than outside-in, we would immediately lose our sense of direction because we would lose the center.

   This particular design deals with dichotomies – illusions given by the attitude of looking at something from the outside-in.Too much Outside, as the author states. But when you manage to look from the inside-out, the Inside is the Outside as well as the Inside, while the Inside of its Inside is, of course, also Inside. And, undoubtedly, everything is Interior.