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Environmental impacts of building materials part 1

 glass fibre

    The choice of building materials affects the environmental impact of a house. All building materials are processed in some way before they can be incorporated into a building. The processing may be minimal, as in the case of a traditional house constructed from materials found locally, or it may be extensive, as in the case of prefabricated construction. This processing of materials inevitably requires the use of energy and results in waste generation.

   We can calculate the overall environmental impact of a house if we know the impacts that result from its day-to-day use and the manufacture and delivery of its construction materials and components. We can, with this information, see how the choice of materials affects its impact on the environment. It will become clear that calculations to determine the exact impact of each and every dwelling are, at present, not feasible. It will also refer to other research in this field and will aim to draw some practical conclusions of use to the prospective house builder or renovator.