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Meaning of architecture

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      If you look at your dictionary, it will tell you that architecture is the arts and science of the buildings. That is very true but that is not enough. Architecture is everything concerning the construction of buildings and its uses. Currently when we define architecture we may find that it deals with buildings only, but as we go further we’ll come to understand that architecture has a lot to do with environment & psychology of people. Architecture starts when client approaches an architect and gives his/her requirements of the project, it goes up to the time they place the final furniture and at all time the client use and enjoy the building.

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       Architecture guides all other professionals in construction industry, thus is to say; an architect design a building in a certain style, and orient it in harmony with the site; then comes structural engineer to put his columns; then comes electric engineers to fix his cables; then comes plumber to fix pipes, and other professionals such as landscapers and interior designers do their things; then contractor steps in to manifest all those ideas into reality. As we’ve seen, architecture is the key to construction of buildings; architecture guides all other professionals in buildings.

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         If that so, then architecture is the huge thing, and when we say that architecture is arts and science of buildings it makes sense. It is science because it guides engineers on how and where to put columns, guides the build-ability of the building, guides the structure of the building and other scientific issues in the building; and it is arts because it involves creativity during design, emotions and psychology of the users.